
Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Valentine's Day and TGL

While recently looking at another photographer's website ( I stumbled across a portion of his site that is basically his outlet for random thoughts, ramblings, and personal photos. The thought immediately struck me, "I want an outlet for random thoughts, ramblings, and personal photos!" So here we go....

Yesterday was Valentine's Day and a friend reminded me of one of the most mind boggling traits of the modern female...I like to call it "The Great Lie" (TGL). It goes a little something like this..."I don't want you to buy me's a waste of money". This statement of course holds no truth. Even when further quizzed the female in question will further TGL by insisting and affirming that receiving a fragrant bouquet is the last thing she wants.
I find myself wondering how many love struck teenage boys have fallen victim to TGL. Because as we know the teenage female is years ahead of the teenage boy when it comes to maturity and in playing "the game". So let me give this piece of unsolicited advice...give flowers freely and give them often. When in the florist...send daisies...they are inexpensive and just as pretty as roses. If she tells you she doesn't want flowers...this is translated to mean, "If you don't buy me flowers you are the inconsiderate, selfish, lazy, waste of space my mother says you are."
Now what does this have to do with photography? Sadly...nothing. But if I can save one young man from the agony of will all be worth it.


At 8:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So did you buy Anna Linley flowers??

At 11:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So David are you calling all women "liars"?


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