
Monday, April 18, 2005

She's living on borrowed time

The PC
Originally uploaded by davejh23.
This is my current computer at work. She hates me. I hate her. It happens sometimes I guess. I mean...things used to be okay between us. I would click on something...she would respond. Now...she responds when she feels like it. I don't even know her anymore. She doesn't know it yet but there is somebody else. For now she is living under my a box. But already I know how wonderful she is. She is different from all the other ones. She is a Mac. I catch her 20in LCD cinema display staring at me knowingly. She knows it is just a matter of time....and so do I. If loving her is wrong...I don't wanna be right.

The ridiculously stupid nature of this post is a testament to what a SLOW computer will do to a man.


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