
Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Bullet holes and hairy necks

Just a totally random observation before I get know those decals that look like bullet holes that people put on the back of their cars and trucks right? Do people who have real bullet holes get offended by these "posers"? I mean...if you went through the emotional and physical drama of being shot at...wouldn't you hate to have that badge of courage imitated by anyone with a knowledge of their nearest novelty shop?

I'd like to issue this request to all barbers, stylist, and the like. When cutting men's hair...shave the stray hairs on the neck...but for the love...don't create a new area of shaved-ness. I got a haircut yesterday and now I have like two inches of newly exposed skin on the bottom of my hair line. It looks great now...but I'm going to be hairy neck guy as soon as it starts to grow back in. So I'd like to thank the kind stylist at Head Start for going where no barber has gone before...and shouldn't have for that matter.


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