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Monday, April 18, 2005

Spelled correctly

Spelled right
Originally uploaded by davejh23.
I guess I played well enough to earn my named spelled correctly on the sign this time! In their defense...if you have never spelled Higginbotham...who spells it right the first time around? I did get a little worried when I saw I was going to have share the stage with someone....but it turned out to be nothing...that Chic Dumplin character never showed up.

I actually stumbled over a profound statement during my show on Saturday night. I was playing one of those "...she done me wrong" songs and one of the ladies asked me if I was ticked off at women. I assured her that I wasn't and offered her this example. Women have Lifetime Original Movies and men have music. It's that simple.


At 11:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Though I don't know if it is because I'm just incredibly brilliant or if it was just plain luck, I did spell your name right the very first time. Yea me!

Also, when Michael and I go to see his parents we always pass Higginbotham Road. Unusual name, even more strange of a road!


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