
Friday, August 05, 2005 to the hook!

In light of this breaking news story...

The following is a statement from Pirate Louis "Dagger" Malone:

"On behalf of Pirates everywhere I would like to petition all athletic associations to consider following suit and banning the use of Pirates as sports teams mascots. I have contacted organizations such as the East Carolina Pirates, The Pittsburgh Pirates, and 1,427 middle and high school teams to petition them to abide by our wishes. Our group has also contacted Satan, The Wildcat Preservation Group of North America, the Save the Eagles Foundation, and the Tiger Affection Coalition with the intent of filing a class action lawsuit against anyone who fails to abide by all our requests. Thank you."

Malone went on to say, "Arrrgh" and "Walk the plank matey".


At 1:17 PM, Blogger That dude Paul said...

I'd like to add that I might be inclined to start a class action suit along the same lines as it pertains to the use of wild animals (lions, tigers, dolphins etc).

My constituants and I feel that it exploits them and might stereotype them.

We might be inclined to drop our proceedings if the sports industries would be willing to make monitary contributions to the programs of our choice. Please contact me to procure payment address.

At 9:58 AM, Blogger Mama Duck said...

Which reminds me of my favorite joke ever....What's a pirates favorite letter?


I'm a simple girl.


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