
Monday, August 01, 2005

Breaking News from the FDA

Anna and I took my sister's three boys to Chuck E. Cheese on Friday night. So the following story comes as no surprise to me.

New Birth Control Approved by FDA*

Could be most effective ever?

By Charles Edward Cheese/CEC Correspondent

The FDA announced on Monday that Chuck E. Cheese visitation has now been approved as an acceptable form of birth control. Federal Drug Adminstration spokesperson Toni Pasquale announced this decision after the agency found that 99.9% of all couples who visit a Chuck E. Cheese establishment put off having children for up to 5 years. "This is more of a psychological than physiological method" says Pasquale.

The CEC method is already available in many markets.

*This statement is in no way true.


At 10:46 AM, Blogger That dude Paul said...

LOL. Yea, as a dad of 3, I've had many trips to The rat's pizza joint. Notice that I didnt use and adjective like happy or great.

You have a very cool Blog BTW. I've got ya saved in my Fave's..

At 12:18 PM, Blogger Phil said...

Chuckie Cheese is like a tittie-bar for 8 yr olds. Unfortunately, I've been to Chuckie Cheese's more often than to tittie-bars

At 3:55 PM, Blogger Mama Duck said...

Yup, that'll do her.

So will spending more than two hours with anyone else's children.


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