Beauty or the Beast?

There has been a question on my mind for the past several months that I would like some feedback on. The whole thing started when I was at a friend's house for dinner. Hanging on the wall in his living room was a large photo of his daughter who has just graduated high school. She is beautiful. "That's your daughter huh?" He said yes with the unspoken understanding of a man who used to be a college age boy. I offered him my utmost sympathy and wished him the best. Then I was faced with the dilemma...when I do have kids...specifically a daughter...would I rather her be drop dead gorgeous...or somewhat homely. This seems like a no-brainer of a question until you really stop and think about it. To send my daughter out knowing that she will be the target of many a young man's I get the heebs just thinking about it. Now buddy's daughter is a good girl...he has confidence in the way his has raised her...and that is a definite bonus. But the fear factor remains. Will I do 25 to life because of some hormone fueled college age kid's decision to pursue my daughter's affection? Would it be easier if my daughter were the beast instead of the beauty?
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