
Thursday, September 01, 2005

If I were the New Orleans mayor...

I would give my police officers the order to take a bullhorn and announce that starting at noon today that anyone who appears to be a looter...will be shot and killed on sight. They might not believe it then...but as soon as a few of them got dropped while carrying such "survival" items such as Heineken beer, televisions, and jewelry...that looting business would stop. God love the people who are taking things to feed their family...I understand that completely. But for all the low lifes who are stealing just because they can...I hope you get what is coming to you.


At 9:07 PM, Blogger Mama Duck said...

I didn't think of it this way and to be honest, I'm not sure how many people stealing TVs are really thinking of it this way either, but someone said, "How many days worth of food do you think that TV will be worth when they sell it?"

I'm not sure that I buy into that theory that they're thinking of the resale value in terms of how many bags on pintos and beans they'll get.

Sad, sad, sad.

At 12:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

God bless the looters with a heart to realize the utter folly and inhumanity of their behavior. God bless them with shame and tears.


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