
Monday, August 22, 2005

"A father's nipple is just a fleshy substitute."

This story was sent to me by my buddy Andrew...who's wife Amy just had a baby a few months ago. Coincidence?....I sure hope so.

Infants in the 'Sucking' Phase of Development Are Also Soothed by Father's Breast

June 16, 2005 -- It's Father's Day and daddy has taken the baby for a walk. A few steps from the house the baby starts to fuss, so daddy picks her up and offers her … his nipple? ......

I'm going to stick with a good old fashioned game of catch in the backyard thank you very much.


At 1:05 PM, Blogger Mama Duck said...

No. Way.

What if the guy has a lot of chest hair? Ewwwwwie.

I can see why it would be calming, Daugher #2 will stick anything (fingers (mine or hers), pai, toys, etc.) in her mouth to satisfy the sucking urge.


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