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Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Ok...I never do this...but..

I was tagged by Paul at "Paul's Psycho Circus" to complete this survey. Now granted...I normally refuse to do such know...surveys. But who am I to turn down the request of one of my readers. Consider the plural portion of "readers" to be a liberal use of the plurality.

7 things I plan to do before I die:
1) Get married.
2) Have kids.
3) Quit worrying about money.
4) Raise my kids to be good Christians.
5) Be published in Sports Illustrated's "Leading Off".
6) Buy one of those flying cars they've been promising us for years.
7) Retire young enough to enjoy my wife, kids, and grandkids.

7 things I can do:

1) Count to 3 (photographers joke)
2) Tell a joke
3) Eat
4) Play guitar
5) Write a song
6) Be painfully rational
7) Entertain a kid

7 things I cannot do:
1) Complete a household repair correctly the first time
2) Read music
3) Speak spanish
4) Carpentry
5) Get up early to work out
6) Remember things I've already done
7) Remember things I've already done

7 things that attract me to another person:

1) commitment to God
2) Looks (come's true for everybody)
3) smile
4) sense of humor
5) I refuse to answer the following three questions in light of their relation to #2

7 things that I say most often:
1) 1,2, 3 okay once more...1,2, and 3
2) 1,2, 3 okay once more...1,2, and 3
3) 1,2, 3 okay once more...1,2, and 3
4) 1,2, 3 okay once more...1,2, and 3
5) 1,2, 3 okay once more...1,2, and 3
6) 1,2, 3 okay once more...1,2, and 3
7) 1,2, 3 okay once more...1,2, and 3

7 celebrity crushes:
1) That 30 minute meals lady
2) Reese Witherspoon
3) Janet Reno
4) Oprah
5) Whoopi Goldberg
6) Catherine Zeta Jones
7) SEC Cheerleaders...the female ones.


At 10:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are right on about the home repair deal!!


At 4:21 PM, Blogger Pete said...

JANET RENO!!! I threw up a little bit in my mouth!


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