
Wednesday, September 21, 2005

A bathroom dialogue

I had to take Hayden (the middle of my sisters boys) to the bathroom last night at church. The following conversation is from that event:

Hayden: (After using the word "poop") Oops...Mommy said I'm not supposed to say that.
Me: Poop?
Hayden: Yeah...even big guys aren't supposed to say it and especially big womens...cause they freak out.
Me: Gotcha

Come to find out this G-rated profanity "poop" was being used repeatedly by the pre-schooler and he was told that he wasn't supposed to say it anymore. Was I wrong in teaching him the term "fecal matter"?


At 4:19 PM, Blogger loelsh said...

Too cute! Btw, I LOVE more cowbell!!!

At 8:38 PM, Blogger Mama Duck said... I feel bad for calling it pee-pee and poopies with my 2 year I need to use "urine" in conjunction with your "fecal matter"?

At 8:26 PM, Blogger Bart said...

How about a good old "BM"?


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