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Monday, December 12, 2005

Death to the soliloquy!!

Don't get me wrong...I'll tap my foot and sing along with some country songs. I've even played a few during my acoustic shows. But we have got to do something about some of these songs. I was eating lunch today and the restaurant was playing Kenny Chesney's "She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy". I sent Anna a text message to get her take on this song. Here was her response...

What exactly
is 'sexy' about a tractor? The tractor driver may be sexy, but who actually lusts over a hunk of metal?"

Hey Nashville...Dave here...Listen I'm not sure how you guys feel about disturbing the dead but that sound you just heard was Hank Williams Sr. rolling over in his grave.

While I'm on country music...allow me to announce what is quite possibly my biggest pet peeve. Artist who speak lyrics during their songs. Just imagine nails on a chalkboard...multiplied by 50. This is what it does to me. I'll give the following hall passes to these songs/artist due to their seniority and legendary status:

George "The Possum" Jones - He Stopped Loving Her Today
Conway "The Fro" Twitty - Hello Darlin'

Feel free to suggest any other songs/artist that I should give a pass to.


At 3:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Back to "She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy". This is obviously one of the worst songs of the last ten years. I'll give you a two more - both by Trace Adkins.

"I Left Something Turned On At Home"


Artist you should give a pass too:

The one and only Barry White.

At 3:35 PM, Blogger Dave said...

I felt like Trace Adkins just went without saying. His latest is no exception, "Honky Tonk Badonkadonk". Terrible.

My apologies to Barry.

At 3:42 PM, Blogger That dude Paul said...

Give a pass to any song by David Allen Coe.

At 2:47 PM, Blogger Bart said...

Been racking my brain to think of something topic related to add here... Nothing!!!

except these vaguely related comments:

1. What was the deal with William Shatner doing some kind of album?


2. What is up with Kenny Rodger's face? Have you seen him lately?

At 11:04 AM, Blogger Mama Duck said...

Dude, there are PLENTLY of folks that find tractors sexy and desireable, just most of them are farmers in Iowa.

Kenny Chesney is hot though.

At 1:23 PM, Blogger Tammy said...

Okay, I'm totally with you on the talk singer. I recently went to a Neil Diamond concert and realized that he does that.

Now, Kenny is another matter. In that song, she doesn't really think the tractor is sexy. She thinks him on the tractor is sexy. That's what the song is about.

Totally with you and worm on the Trace Adkins. Cannot stand that damn honky tonk song.

At 11:27 PM, Blogger Dave said...

Do you guys think that Kenny goes to the closet everyday and says...

"Mmm...let's 'bout my white shell necklace, a cutoff t-shirt, and a cowboy hat...yeah..."

I guess once you find something that works for you...stick with it. This is why I have started wearing velour track suits.

Oh and by the way...David Allen's your pass.

At 11:28 PM, Blogger Dave said...

Oh and one more thing....for you Bart.

At 11:11 AM, Blogger Kari said...

Kenny can wear the same outfit everyday and be hot at it. And it doesnt bother me a bit! ;)

And Tammy said it, the song is about him on the tractor being sexy not the tractor!

At 11:14 AM, Blogger Dave said...

Wow...I didn't realize that so many Chesneyheads read my blog!

My apologies.

At 11:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't know if he ever did talk singing but:


At 3:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Charlie Pride...hands down....Behind Closed Doors.


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