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Thursday, December 01, 2005

I don't wanna grow up

I wrote a post a few days ago called "Forever Young". When I wrote that I was mostly kidding around. Today I have a different take on that thought. Please forgive me as I get a little more heavy than usual.

When we are kids we live in a complete state of ignorant bliss. Our worries never extend beyond the next distraction. Looking back on was awesome. I once heard someone say that when a child cries over something...whether it be a broken toy...because they didn't get their way...or whatever...that it is just as traumatic and upsetting to them as it is to an adult who is upset over something "mature". But regardless of that fact...the disappointment and the heartache subside far quicker in the heart of a child than in an adult.

I was talking to a close friend last night who called with some bad news regarding some other friends of ours. I made the comment to him that being an adult is simply no fun. Back in the day...we rarely worried about anything as tragic as death or as heartbreaking as infidelity. We shook off any oncoming grief by simply going outside to play or sitting down in front of a video game. We rarely had to come up with words to comfort our best friends during a time of heart wrenching grief or disappointment.

Couples stayed true to each other and stayed together. Babies were born healthy and grew up strong. There was always plenty of money and bills always got paid on time. There was no stress and zero worry. It was a perfect world...and then you grow up.

I Corinthians 13:11

When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.


At 1:53 PM, Blogger Mama Duck said...

So. Very. True.

Wishing your other friend faith, hope and luck with whatever is troubling him.

At 2:06 PM, Blogger Kari said...

Totally agree!

It's so easy living through a child's eyes. It really is hard to grow up. I've learned that many times already and many more to come, I'm sure.

At 7:39 PM, Blogger That dude Paul said...



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