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Friday, December 23, 2005

I can die happy

Some folks threw Anna and I an engagement party recently and people were told to bring us Christmas related gifts. Decorations, ornaments, etc... By the way...none of my boys showed up for this party. It was kind of like going to a stadium to play an away game and not having any of your fans show up. But I digress. I told Anna that the only gift I was interested in getting was a dancing Santa Clause. She laughed...I didn't. I kept telling her how disappointed I was going to be if that party came and went and there wasn't a mechanical Kris Kringle in my living room. Well the party came and rug cuttin' Santa to be found. But being the loving fiancé (by the way..not a word either one of us are comfortable with) Anna surprised me with the one gift that has made my holiday season complete.

Here I am dancing the night away with his jollyness himself. Now granted...I wasn't prepared for the fear that Santa would strike in me each morning. You know my brain apparently forgets about dancing Santa each night when I go to sleep. So when I go to turn on the stereo first thing in the morning I am scared to death by the silhouetted figure of a shorter than usual Santa Clause. My brain says, "A midget has broken into my house...not again!"

Merry Christmas everybody!


At 8:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

None of your boys showed up because that is outside the scope of this "women's club" atmosphere. Remember, God created marriage, women created weddings. By the way, good luck ever seeing dancing santa again after you're married. He'll be draped in a garbage bag up in the attic.

At 8:50 AM, Blogger Dave said...

She has already suggested giving it to the little boy next door.

At 9:37 AM, Blogger Speckledpup said...

nothing says Christmas like a mechanical santa.

At 7:40 AM, Blogger Kami said...

Oh, he is WAY cute. The Santa...

At 9:53 PM, Blogger Bart said...

I want to experience the Dancing Santa before you have to mothball it. He is flippin sweet!

Sorry I missed your party I really wanted to be there

At 3:43 PM, Blogger Dave said...

Bart...were you even invited?



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