TiVo thinks I'm black
For those of you who aren't familiar with TiVo...it will pick shows that it thinks that you will like...based on your previous selections...and record them for you. Basically TiVo says, "I bet Dave will like this...I'll record it for him". Here are a few of the regulars from that list:
"The Parkers"

"The Cosby Show"

"That's So Raven"

Now I've always considered myself to be the 7th Huxtable so "The Cosby Show" is not a problem...but come on..."That's So Raven"? Isn't that a kids show?
Let's add two more to the mix...The Jaime Foxx Show and The Steve Harvey Show...those were two new ones that hit me up on my "Now Playing" yesterday.
I'm just wondering what you're watching that would give your Tivo this idea. Too many "In Living Color" and "Webster" reruns I fear.
Wow, Dave... you're really movin' on up to the East Side!
aww man, i turned that option OFF long ago. it recorded some funky stuff and i couldn't stand it.
Thats so Raven is the girl from the cosby show, maybe tivo thought you would enjoy seeing her annoying ass all grown up.
we all have a little brother in us :D
Hey, now. "That's SO Raven" isnt that bad! Kind of like Lizzy McGuire-- which I'm sure you are a big fan of that!
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