My Greatest Hits Album

If you don't buy me flowers you are the inconsiderate, selfish, lazy, waste of space my mother says you are.
I mean...if you went through the emotional and physical drama of being shot at...wouldn't you hate to have that badge of courage imitated by anyone with a knowledge of their nearest novelty shop?
This kind of reminds me of those old twilight zone episodes where a kid would find out that his mom was really a robot.
For those two minutes I was back in 1990. Eleven years old...tight rolled jeans...lovin' me some Hammer.
Women have Lifetime Original Movies and men have music. It's that simple.
I didn't feel comfortable sleeping in the spider infested bed....but I knew if I had to open a long neck...they had my back.
Oh and by the many fair skinned,red headed guys named "Horatio" do you know?
It's called "The Dirty Thirty"
All I have to do is come up with an engine that will run off of dog hair. I would call it the Labradorian.
I feel like any tear shed over a sporting event is a tear filled with testosterone.
You had me at shut-up already.
"Hey there's a penny in the urinal! I guess I'll leave it there."
11. Top ten lists are stupid.
"A father's nipple is just a fleshy substitute."
"Why don't you pass him from your loins and then we will talk."
So far the only thing even remotely resembling emotion that this bird has shown was when he pooped on my flip-flop.
"A midget has broken into my house...not again!"
I mean...if you went through the emotional and physical drama of being shot at...wouldn't you hate to have that badge of courage imitated by anyone with a knowledge of their nearest novelty shop?
This kind of reminds me of those old twilight zone episodes where a kid would find out that his mom was really a robot.
For those two minutes I was back in 1990. Eleven years old...tight rolled jeans...lovin' me some Hammer.
Women have Lifetime Original Movies and men have music. It's that simple.
I didn't feel comfortable sleeping in the spider infested bed....but I knew if I had to open a long neck...they had my back.
Oh and by the many fair skinned,red headed guys named "Horatio" do you know?
It's called "The Dirty Thirty"
All I have to do is come up with an engine that will run off of dog hair. I would call it the Labradorian.
I feel like any tear shed over a sporting event is a tear filled with testosterone.
You had me at shut-up already.
"Hey there's a penny in the urinal! I guess I'll leave it there."
11. Top ten lists are stupid.
"A father's nipple is just a fleshy substitute."
"Why don't you pass him from your loins and then we will talk."
So far the only thing even remotely resembling emotion that this bird has shown was when he pooped on my flip-flop.
"A midget has broken into my house...not again!"
When Horatio and Mac Taylor were on that combined CSI, I thought I might just die and go to heaven right there.
Happy new year!
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