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Wednesday, February 01, 2006

A new campaign

Today as I sat in the mall food court eating my lunch I was reminded of something I've always known. People have no idea what they look like when they leave the house in the morning. Now don't get me eyes barely match...let alone my shirt and pants. But I've always thought that a great way to eradicate things such as halter tops on the elderly....wife beater tank tops on those of a hairy persuasion...and many more non-eye-pleasing looks would be to start a campaign to hand out mirrors for free. Please join me in my battle against this epidemic. Join the Mirrors Across America campaign and help us all reflect on what we wear out in public. Thank you.


At 3:38 PM, Blogger Phil Harwell said...

I tip my hat to you Dave. Glad somebody's willing to take a stand! ;)


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