
Monday, October 03, 2005

He's naked...why can't I be naked?

Somehow the topic came up tonight between Anna and I that sometimes Wilson (my dog) sees me naked. Now...I don't go out of my way for this to happen...but sometimes after a shower...while changing just happens. Anna seems to think that this is weird. But he doesn't stare and I don't make a big deal out of what's the big deal?


At 1:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being naked in front of your dog is quite a peculiar subject to mull over! Never the less, i've been pondering this question for a while: what does my dog think when he sees me naked?

After contemplating a few minutes i am merely left with an eerie scenario lingering in the back of my mind.

Suppose reincarnation actually transpires after death. Now, what if my dog was a human male in a past life and somehow managed to maintain conscious memories of his past life. Should i be naked around my dog if he has carnal awarness of my naked body?

Does my dog enjoy looking at me nude? Well, unless the situation described above seems likely then i'm going to have to say...NO casually wearing your birthday suit in your dog's company is not strange. However, i'm afraid it is strange that i've given this topic as much thought as i have.


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