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Wednesday, March 15, 2006

From the archives

I just ran across this e-mail that I sent to Anna a few months ago. I had sent Anna a map of the area around the hotel and the port where we'll be leaving for our honeymoon cruise. She pointed out that there is a road nearby named "Mullet Road". This was my response.

"Why do you think we are staying there? It’s already on my agenda to stop and take our photo with the “Mullet Road” sign. Of course we’ll have to deal with the traffic from all the Mulletheads who will be making their yearly pilgrimage to Mullet Road for the Feast of Josiah Mullet (pronounced Moo-lay). Josiah is credited with creating the mullet back in the 2nd century in present day Iran. Josiah came up with the hairstyle to shade his neck from the sun while working as an Iranian club promoter. Some followers claim that Josiah Mullet also pioneered chain smoking and penny beer."

I may have some of my facts wrong...but I think this is historically correct.


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