Some things just aren't natural
Anna rolled down her jeep window and held up a small package for me to see. I could not tell what it was so I asked her...."It's placenta!" she yells. Now...I'm 27-years-old...and I have never had anyone say "It's placenta" to me...ever.

It seems that Wal-mart sells this stuff as a treatment for hair. It claims to be "Nature's most complete conditioning treatment". I would like to disagree...this is actually nature's most complete method by which a developing fetus is nourished.
This goes on my list of things whose discovery is a complete mystery. Suppositories for instance...who made the decision that this medicine would work better if used at the back door. "This pill isn't doing me any good Charlene...I might as well be sticking it...."
...and the rest is history.
I KNEW I should have asked the doctor to hold onto that thing, I could have sold it to this company for a lot of money I bet.
Actually, mny shampoo companies have used placenta in their products for years.
If extra protein is an ingredient on the bottle, you can bet your boots it's placenta.
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