This may step on some toes
If I'm standing in the mall with my cell phone held up to my ear...not actually on a phone call mind you...just holding it up there waiting on someone to would think I was crazy right?

So how is it any less crazy to have one of these things strapped to your head when you aren't actually talking to anyone? This bugs me almost as much as people who wear their sunglasses inside without a medical excuse.
Take these ridiculous things off of your head unless you are on a phone call...the rest of us are laughing at you.
I know huh? When I see people wearing these things, I wanna walk up and smack the opposite side of their head to see if I can dislodge the thing...
Sorry....just some pent up aggresions... OK...I'm better now.
Nerd Alert!
But seriously... they are more important than you and me. They are busy controlling the world.
I'm totally with you on this one.
For real though.
Thank you. I'll be writing about this soon.
So dorky.
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