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Monday, July 10, 2006

Bowl Season

We went bowling with some friends this past weekend. Any and all skill that I once had at the lanes...was gone. I attribute this to the grotesquely large thumb on my right hand. That or they are drilling the holes smaller in the Large size bowling balls simply to spite me.

Something that has been great about having this new little Canon point and shoot camera is the video mode. But I'm having a really hard time remembering that video cannot be shot vertical. It's just the still photographer in me I guess. What's hilarious is that Anna never realizes that I'm shooting video so she goes into what I like to call "Pageant Girl Pose Mode"...note that towards the end of this video.

Don't tell Anna but instead of going on a cruise to the Bahamas for our honeymoon I'm taking her to the Professional Bowlers Championship in Akron, Ohio instead. I can't wait to see the look on her face!


At 9:18 AM, Blogger Bart said...

Akron, Ohio?

Dude, we need to talk!

At 9:18 AM, Blogger Bart said...

Akron is over-rated!


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