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Sunday, May 08, 2005

Not just a burger place

Originally uploaded by davejh23.
While driving through Athens on Saturday I was given some sad news. Anna had never eaten at Dub's Burgers. As Mr. Greenhaw put it, "That's almost sinful".

Dub's is a small burger restaurant owned by the Greenhaw family in Athens. I'm not sure how long it has been there....but as far as my life is has been there forever.

Now this isn't any health food fact it would make Richard Simmons scream like the little girl that he is if he saw all the fat grams and calories floating around in there. But that's what makes the place so good. If you are a granola lovin' health nut...I don't suggest you dive in headfirst unless you want to pay the consequences. It's called "The Dirty Thirty"...the thirty minutes you would have between when you ate...and the not so happy ending. For people with regular diets's a breeze!

I love that place.


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