
Friday, September 29, 2006

The 10th anniversary of the 18th birthday!

Thanks to my beautiful wife....and family...I had an awesome 28th birthday yesterday!

Go check out my David Higginbotham Photography Blog to see one of the cool gifts that Anna gave me!

This post tastes like chicken

This could be the most blog posting to occur during one sitting in the history of "Dave's Blog". This is #3!

This post is meant as nothing more than a confession of my man love for one Colonel Sanders. Your chicken changed the world changed the world.

Anna hates it when I ask her to take photos like this for me. Here's another example of a photo she was opposed to taking. I actually pulled over on the interstate to shoot this.

...and yes....this larger than life metal chicken appears to be wearing a beret. You can thank the great state of Tennessee for this fowl road art.

When blogs collide

A just found this picture that Anna and I had made with Bart from "Who Barted?" This was down in Tuscaloosa before the Alabama/Hawaii game.

Bart and I are firm believers in the "thumbs up adds a positive spin to any picture" theory.

By the way....Bart has apparently fallen off the face of the planet...that or his computer is broken and/or my cell phone no longer receives incoming calls from people whose name starts with a 'B' and ends in an 'art'. out there buddy?

Gun shots rang out like a bell

Well times have become a bit tough here at the Higginbotham household. So after much thought and a lot of prayer....Anna and I have decided to turn to a life of crime. A Robin Hood type venture if you will....steal from the rich...and give to the poor ( Anna wanted us to become gangstas but I told her that after .50 got shot...I gave up hustlin'.

Here are some photos of the happy family at the gun range working on our cap bustin' skills.

Anna almost looks too cute to be brandishing a piece....however...looks can be deceiving.

Ladies...the gun show is free.

Actually we were with our buddy Evan shooting his guns....being extremely safe of course.

Friday, September 22, 2006

I heart Dan

We have a local meteorologist named Dan Satterfield. Quite frankly he's nuts.

But...he's the guy I want to be watching if there is severe right now. He uses meteorological lingo in a way that will bring a tear to your eye. For isntance...he has just spotted a mezocyclone. I'm not sure...but I would be willing to bet that a bow hook echo is nearby that mezocyclone. He works Doppler Armor like Bob Ross worked a canvas. A lot of people don't like watching him...they think he uses sensationalism to deliver the weather. Personally I appreciate the passion by which he presents his weathercast. Now...he may predict my he did one full day before a particular outbreak of storms...but he's still #1 in my book.

I guess I'll go....I'm about to miss an explanation of what an updraft has to do with the velocity of this impending super cell.

Friday, September 15, 2006

CC Deville hates me

We're on our honeymoon....having a great time....sitting in the hotel lobby waiting on a bus to take us to the cruise port. So in walks 1980's hair band guitarist C.C. Deville. Well on his second trip through the lobby I slide away from the crowded lobby and ask him if I could have my photo made with him. He walks past me without a word. Without ONE word...raised eyebrow...offer for heroin...nothing. Needless to say I was pretty miffed. Had it been 1985....I would have understood. But it's not's 2006 and I was the only person in a lobby full of people who recognized him. He should have asked to have his picture with me...."Hey check it out...this guy in the hotel lobby knew who I was!....well yeah I got my picture made with him!"

By the wife wears the same shade of lipstick.

Does that photo make anyone else crave some cotton candy?