The 10th anniversary of the 18th birthday!
Thanks to my beautiful wife....and family...I had an awesome 28th birthday yesterday!

Go check out my David Higginbotham Photography Blog to see one of the cool gifts that Anna gave me!
Thanks to my beautiful wife....and family...I had an awesome 28th birthday yesterday!
This could be the most blog posting to occur during one sitting in the history of "Dave's Blog". This is #3!
A just found this picture that Anna and I had made with Bart from "Who Barted?" This was down in Tuscaloosa before the Alabama/Hawaii game.
Well times have become a bit tough here at the Higginbotham household. So after much thought and a lot of prayer....Anna and I have decided to turn to a life of crime. A Robin Hood type venture if you will....steal from the rich...and give to the poor ( Anna wanted us to become gangstas but I told her that after .50 got shot...I gave up hustlin'.
We have a local meteorologist named Dan Satterfield. Quite frankly he's nuts.