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Monday, May 09, 2005

Happy Mother's Day

Originally uploaded by davejh23.
Back when I was living at home Mom and I did plenty of talking...but we also had this weird communication alternative. It may not be fair to call it communication because it was usually all one way. Mom would leave me notes taped to my bathroom mirror. These notes contained everything from phone messages to chore requests. On extra special occasions I would receive what I like to call "Notes from Webster". Every now and then I would use a word that mom would question the origin of. Not profane words by ANY stretch...just words that she didn't like. How did I know that Mom didn't like them? Well she would have the Webster's Collegiate Dictionary definition hand written in beautiful calligraphy...taped to my mirror when I woke up the next morning. I never threw away any of the notes that Mom left for me...I put every single one of them in the bathroom drawer.

Mom has since taken to using e-mail. This is a great thing for Mom because she has always sent her kind thoughts, sympathies, and congratulations to anyone who she felt needed them. Her notes are carefully written often times with a calligraphy pen. All we have to do now is figure out how she can send her e-mails in the same script.

Happy Mother's Day Mom! Thanks for everything...especially my mirror notes.

Now please stop crying.


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