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Tuesday, May 23, 2006

New options

Leave it to graphic artist and part-time comedian Bart to come up with more options for my bio picture.

....and my personal favorite....

I did get an actual option while Anna and I were having our engagement portraits made.

Anna feels that I look much less creepy in this one than the other one.

Speaking of engagement portraits....I want to thank my ex-coworker Gary Cosby Jr. for shooting some images of Anna and I in front of the theatre where we will be getting married.

Why didn't you people tell me I was this hot?

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Quick Poll

With all respect to Rick and Bubba and their quick poll...I have one of my own.

On my website I have a photo of myself in the "contact info" area. Now in theory this is the photo of myself that I am presenting to potential customers. This is the face I want them to see and think, "Wow this guy looks like somebody I would like to hire!" the spirit of laying it all out there...I did take this photo myself. I needed a new photo...and was home alone...I had no other choice. I was relatively pleased...not blown away mind you...but I was okay with it. Then Anna walked by and saw the picture for the first time. When she stopped laughing I asked her what was wrong with it. She claims that I look like a pedophile. As you can imagine...that isn't the look I was shooting for.

So I need your all of my blog readers....both of you....please give me your thoughts on whether or not I should re-shoot this image.

Thanks in advance!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Check it....

My buddy and current Auburn University Public Relations student Wes has posted a blog about my business blog. I guess his PR peers probably weren't ready for this blog.

You can read that post by clicking |here|

Thanks Wes!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Happy Birthday Tess!

My youngest niece Tess had her first birthday yesterday.

A quick calculator visit shows that I'll be 44 when she graduates high school.


Here is a photo of the two of us from her party last night.

Happy birthday!

Monday, May 08, 2006

New Mac commercials

I'm a Mac-head. Here is one reason why.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

I got robbed by a little old lady in a motorized cart!

We had already played 4 games of basketball last night and were on our last game. I got a rebound and rolled my ankle. I was convinced that I had broken it. There was a loud pop...and I could not move it.

If you are offended by nasty feet and/or disfigured may not want to scroll down.

Anna took me to the emergency room. Four and a half hours later...they wheeled me out. Now after four hours...I had become the loud patient and began wondering aloud about how long it took them to look at 4 x-rays...wrap my ankle...and send me home.

Anna had snapped and began stealing from the linen closet. Apparently my request for two pillows (3 hours ago) to prop my leg up on was considered a luxury and therefore ignored by the staff. I digress.

We went to the orthopedic doctor this morning. I did find out that the quickest way back to a room is to have your blood pressure drop sharply from not eating before taking pain pills. After I regained feeling in my hands and chest the doctor came in and read my x-rays. It turns out it's not broken. I just sprained the fool out of it.

We stopped by the grocery store on the way back to my house to get some food. It was there I experienced something new. I was "that guy" in the motorized shopping cart. Click on the middle of this picture and watch a little video of our afternoon.

By the way....I apologize for the nasty toes above...needless to say I wasn't expecting other people to be seeing them.