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Sunday, April 24, 2005

It is April for crying out loud

Originally uploaded by davejh23.
I need bread!! I need milk!!

It is nice for a change to be in an area where snow doesn't cripple the community. No offense to you guys back home...but things are moving on as usual here in Ohio. It is nice....cold...but nice. Back home the local stations would already be scrambling to name this weather event. "Blizzard 2005" or maybe "White Out 2005" or even "Armageddon Flurries 2005". Up here it's just more snow to add to a record breaking year.

I hope everyone is warm back home...because I'm freezing!

Saturday, April 23, 2005


Originally uploaded by davejh23.
Well in case it wasn't already obvious I am working in Ohio. I snagged this picture while the flight attendant wasn't looking...all electronic devices should have been turned off by this time.

I always forget when I am up north that I have a thick southern accent. This is until someone points it out to me...and they always do. In the previous post I talked about the spider that I found in my bed while at another hotel (we changed hotels for obvious reasons). When I went to the front desk I told the lady that I needed to change rooms because I had a spider in my bed and ants in the floor near the bed. She told the other employee with her..."He needs to change rooms because he has ants and a spot on the bed". Having repeated myself to her already I realized what had happened. I turned to one of the people with me and asked her how to say "spider" in Ohio. The girl said it sounded like I said "spotter". Now honestly...I'm as southern as a roadside produce stand but I did not pronounce it "spotter". You can imagine what happened when I asked the server at the Outback for sweet tea.


Originally uploaded by davejh23.
It wasn't the spider in the wasn't the large quantity of ants near the wasn't the fact that one of my co-workers had a heater in their room that didn't work...and it really wasn't the fact that another co-worker had some of her stuff stolen. I knew that our hotel in Huron, Ohio was a dump when I saw the bottle opener bolted to the wall beside the bathroom. I didn't feel comfortable sleeping in the spider infested bed....but I knew if I had to open a long neck...they had my back.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Spelled correctly

Spelled right
Originally uploaded by davejh23.
I guess I played well enough to earn my named spelled correctly on the sign this time! In their defense...if you have never spelled Higginbotham...who spells it right the first time around? I did get a little worried when I saw I was going to have share the stage with someone....but it turned out to be nothing...that Chic Dumplin character never showed up.

I actually stumbled over a profound statement during my show on Saturday night. I was playing one of those "...she done me wrong" songs and one of the ladies asked me if I was ticked off at women. I assured her that I wasn't and offered her this example. Women have Lifetime Original Movies and men have music. It's that simple.

She's living on borrowed time

The PC
Originally uploaded by davejh23.
This is my current computer at work. She hates me. I hate her. It happens sometimes I guess. I mean...things used to be okay between us. I would click on something...she would respond. Now...she responds when she feels like it. I don't even know her anymore. She doesn't know it yet but there is somebody else. For now she is living under my a box. But already I know how wonderful she is. She is different from all the other ones. She is a Mac. I catch her 20in LCD cinema display staring at me knowingly. She knows it is just a matter of time....and so do I. If loving her is wrong...I don't wanna be right.

The ridiculously stupid nature of this post is a testament to what a SLOW computer will do to a man.

Friday, April 15, 2005

Test Dirt

My lunch breaks have turned into great sources for humor here the past few days. On I-565 today I got behind a semi that had a message written in the dirt and grime on the back said, "Test Dirt, Do Not Wash".

That's funny...I don't care who you are.

I did manage to get a photo taken with my camera phone but at 80....I mean 70mph it wasn't readable.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Saw this on a bumper sticker today

I was coming back to work from lunch and I saw the following bumper sticker:

American Boer Goat Association

After Googling the ABGA I came across their website:

I tell you this for no other reason that to point out that there is in fact an "Association" for everything.

If you do happen to visit this careful how far you wander from the home might learn a few things about breeding boer goats that will spoil your next few meals.