The Skipper and Gilligan
The key to taking a spastic lab on his first boat ride is to make him play river-fetch for an hour beforehand.
The key to taking a spastic lab on his first boat ride is to make him play river-fetch for an hour beforehand.
After ordering a chicken strip combo at the drive-thru at Wendy's....the lady at the window said, "It will be about three minutes on your you want to wait?" Uh...well yeah.
From this day forward I would like to take the following things off the table...
The similarity between the images shown with my last two posts (although unintentional) is more frightening than I anticipated.
I would just like to call attention to something. Oprah Winfrey's magazine "O". Is anyone else bothered by the fact that she has her picture on the cover of every month's issue? Now I know that I shouldn't speak out against "The Oprah"...but it's just so pathetic. Having your picture on the cover of your magazine every stinkin' month speaks volumes about your personality. I bet she gives herself nicknames too.
You know at first I was trying to think of something clever and witty to say in reference to Chewy...but honestly...this picture and this sound are quite enough.
When is it okay for a grown man to cry? When Old Yeller dies and that's it? This is a question that most guys don't touch...yet we all wonder about the answer.
That's what I thought to myself this morning as the alarm clock went off. "This whole working out thing is going to be a breeze"...this of course was until I moved to turn off the alarm. body is mad at me this morning. Apparently "raising my arms" has been taken off the table today. not exactly. But I am going to join a gym this afternoon. My history with paying for gym membership is less than impressive. in everytime previous...I have convinced myself that I will stay motivated and go to the gym regularly. If nothing else it will give me something to write on this site about.
This just in from and The Associated Press...the headline reads, "Brain responses differ in gay, straight men." This earth rattling revelation is brought to you by the same researchers who gave us, "Study shows men don't understand women" and "Report suggests O.J. Simpson guilt".
Back when I was living at home Mom and I did plenty of talking...but we also had this weird communication alternative. It may not be fair to call it communication because it was usually all one way. Mom would leave me notes taped to my bathroom mirror. These notes contained everything from phone messages to chore requests. On extra special occasions I would receive what I like to call "Notes from Webster". Every now and then I would use a word that mom would question the origin of. Not profane words by ANY stretch...just words that she didn't like. How did I know that Mom didn't like them? Well she would have the Webster's Collegiate Dictionary definition hand written in beautiful calligraphy...taped to my mirror when I woke up the next morning. I never threw away any of the notes that Mom left for me...I put every single one of them in the bathroom drawer.
I'm not sure if it is the excellent photography...or the subject...but I smell a Ducks Unlimited contract! We did have outstanding wildlife artist Larry Chandler drive past us while we were walking Wilson around the boat harbor to dry him off. I photographed Larry a few times during my time at The Decatur Daily...I'd say a Ducks Unlimited postage stamp is a pretty fair trade for all that publicity right?
While driving through Athens on Saturday I was given some sad news. Anna had never eaten at Dub's Burgers. As Mr. Greenhaw put it, "That's almost sinful".
David Caruso is hands down the greatest over actor to ever appear on television. I am a huge CSI fan...the original...Las Vegas out of curiosity I find myself watching CSI Miami more times than I am proud to admit. There isn't a line that man delivers that isn't painfully dramatic. He could be ordering a foot long at Sonic and make it sound like a line from Hamlet.
We went to the Beale Street Music Festival on Friday night and before I knew it I was gathering animals two by two. I never can remember though which ones are "clean" and which ones are "unclean". But the rain.