
Wednesday, June 29, 2005

A regular Albert Einstein

Here is a nephew legend for the following story:
Cole-7 years old
Hayden-4 years old
Kacen-2 years old (almost 3)

My sister was sitting with Kacen helping him say his nightly prayers the other night when one of the other brothers farted in the darkness with them. My sister accused Hayden of being the dealer but Kacen informed her that she was wrong and that Cole was the guilty party. They started a little mother VS 2 year old argument. Cole chimed in to own up to it..."It was me!" My sister asked Kacen how he could tell who it came from just by the sound of it. Hayden answered the question for his little brother quite simply..."He's a genius". He certainly is.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

You're my boy Bush!

Every playa needs a good wingman.


Good Call of the Day

Overheard from a man talking to himself at a bathroom urinal during an assignment today...

"Hey there's a penny in the urinal! I guess I'll leave it there."

Good call chief.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Beauty or the Beast?

beauty or the beast

There has been a question on my mind for the past several months that I would like some feedback on. The whole thing started when I was at a friend's house for dinner. Hanging on the wall in his living room was a large photo of his daughter who has just graduated high school. She is beautiful. "That's your daughter huh?" He said yes with the unspoken understanding of a man who used to be a college age boy. I offered him my utmost sympathy and wished him the best. Then I was faced with the dilemma...when I do have kids...specifically a daughter...would I rather her be drop dead gorgeous...or somewhat homely. This seems like a no-brainer of a question until you really stop and think about it. To send my daughter out knowing that she will be the target of many a young man's I get the heebs just thinking about it. Now buddy's daughter is a good girl...he has confidence in the way his has raised her...and that is a definite bonus. But the fear factor remains. Will I do 25 to life because of some hormone fueled college age kid's decision to pursue my daughter's affection? Would it be easier if my daughter were the beast instead of the beauty?

Friday, June 24, 2005

Why I'm not losing weight

The Can

The sad thing is that they empty our garbage cans very frequently.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Be Prepared

Something tells me that little Brennan won't be earning his Wilderness Survival Badge.

"BOUNTIFUL, Utah - The 11-year-old boy lost for four days in the Utah mountains had deliberately hid from searchers, thinking they were strangers who might kidnap him, his mother said Wednesday..."

Monday, June 20, 2005

Some New Portraits

Tess is six weeks old....when she gets old enough to look back on these photos lets not tell her that this is my love seat and not a spacious studio.

Bree held the title of baby sister for all of about two months.

I like to call this one "ItwaspouringdownrainsoIhadtoimprovisebyusingmyfrontporch"...I know..catchy.

Kate spotted a spider web while we were shooting this and asked me if it was a tarantula.

Pig Funk


Finally! FINALLY! "Purdue University scientists are making progress taming hogs' smell by attacking the source of the problem, namely the feed."

Next smelly mountain to climb....halitosis.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Call me PawPaw


You know there are things that happen in your life that make you feel old. Like the time I was teaching an after church teenage class and I used an example that mentioned Rodney King and the L.A. riots. They stared at me blankly...they had no idea what I was talking about. I'm assuming that things like this will happen to me more and more as time goes on...but I really didn't think that 26 was old enough to start expecting discounts on insurance...prescriptions....and vacation packages.

I received my invitation to join the AARP yesterday. The American Association of Retired Persons told me this, "Dear Mr. David J. Higginbotham, Our records show that you haven't yet registered for the benefits of AARP membership, even though you are fully eligible." Maybe they heard my Matlock comment.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

In lieu of a Michael Jackson rant

I was going to rant and rave about the Michael Jackson verdict and all the nut jobs passing out, crying, and releasing doves...but I won't. I offer you this instead. You were probably asking yourself, "Do bears breakdance?" Yea verily they do friend.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Pet Peeve #613 and #614

It just so happens that both of them were brought to light during my lunchtime visit to Barnes and Noble today.

#613-People who don't observe the "Barnes & Noble is not a library yet we all treat it that way and be quiet" rule.

#614-Dustcovers...I've never had a good experience with a book dustcover. They slide around...they fold...they's just an irritating and useless accessory.

His family must be so proud

Granted it is early on Monday morning...but this is quote of the week so far. "Everything I’ve ever known is a chicken fight”.

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Rhythm Nation

Rhythm Nation
Originally uploaded by davejh23.
Disclaimer: It is a total coincidence that there are two consecutive Jackson family entries. Shamone.

I was walking back to my car after lunch today and I heard Janet Jackson's "Escapade". I realized that back when I was 11...I had the lyrics all wrong. Here is how my lyric sheet would have read back in 1990.

"Come on baby let’s get away
Let’s save your troubles for another day
Come go with me we’ve got it made
Let me take you on an Ice capades (let’s go)

We’ll have a good time
Leave your worries behind
You can be mine
An Ice capade"

Ignorance is bliss.

Friday, June 03, 2005

Closing arguments? Yeah...

Originally uploaded by davejh23.
...this sounds about right.