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Wednesday, March 29, 2006

This may step on some toes

If I'm standing in the mall with my cell phone held up to my ear...not actually on a phone call mind you...just holding it up there waiting on someone to would think I was crazy right?

So how is it any less crazy to have one of these things strapped to your head when you aren't actually talking to anyone? This bugs me almost as much as people who wear their sunglasses inside without a medical excuse.

Take these ridiculous things off of your head unless you are on a phone call...the rest of us are laughing at you.

Uncle Elbert and Aunt Becky

Elbert and Becky Higginbotham were stopped without incident near the coastal city of Long Beach, Wash., according to a Pacific County dispatcher.

The Higginbothams were in the same beige motor home where they spent 17 snowbound days earlier this month. Their March 21 rescue attracted national attention. But the joy of the rescue quickly turned sour when Arizona authorities recognized the Higginbothams as a couple that had been caught with methamphetamine and a shotgun, reneged on a promise to cooperate with investigators and disappeared.

Uncle Elbert promised he'd get off the stuff. Maybe if he hadn't been so amped up on meth he could have found his way out of the snow storm. How many people...right now...have an Uncle Elbert whose cooking meth in his beige motor home? I'd guess a ton. maybe they aren't really my aunt and uncle. But as far as Higginbotham marketing goes...they're killing us.

Monday, March 27, 2006


Now I'm not saying that the heat being out at my house is bad...but I just heard a well digger tell somebody that "it was colder than Dave's house".

This is what greeted me yesterday morning...

Havoc = wolf ?

So Anna and I went to watch the semi-pro hockey team in Huntsville play in a playoff game on Saturday night. The Havoc lost after three game.

During one of the many 18 minute intermission periods I shot 10 images and later stitched them into a panoramic of the arena. Please note that the pretty floating thing on the left is Anna's head. Click on it for a larger view.

We also chased down the Havoc mascot, "Chaos" and had our picture made with him. This did make me realize something...I have enough photos of myself smiling to last me the rest of my life. From here on out all of the pictures that I have made with celebrities and mascots will come with a free gimmick. It could be a "thumbs-up" or a subject sensitive seen here.

As you can imagine...this decision thrills Anna.

Friday, March 17, 2006

...and now he'll sing while I drink a glass of water

I'm pretty sure this Kevin Covais kid from American Idol is a ventriloquist dummy.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Let the media blitz begin

Well Anna and I have began our 2006 media tour to promote our upcoming nuptials. Please contact our people for all interview requests.

You can read the whole story on The Decatur Daily's website by clicking here.

By the is true...nothing says romance like a pepperoni pizza.

I'm neither Popular nor Scientific

Well I need to thank J-Mo for giving me a call over the weekend to let me know that I had an image published in Popular Science. A double-truck at that!

I actually had a similar image published in the June edition of the Dutch magazine "De Ingenieur" last year. This adds further proof to my theory that I am huge in the Netherlands.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

From the archives

I just ran across this e-mail that I sent to Anna a few months ago. I had sent Anna a map of the area around the hotel and the port where we'll be leaving for our honeymoon cruise. She pointed out that there is a road nearby named "Mullet Road". This was my response.

"Why do you think we are staying there? It’s already on my agenda to stop and take our photo with the “Mullet Road” sign. Of course we’ll have to deal with the traffic from all the Mulletheads who will be making their yearly pilgrimage to Mullet Road for the Feast of Josiah Mullet (pronounced Moo-lay). Josiah is credited with creating the mullet back in the 2nd century in present day Iran. Josiah came up with the hairstyle to shade his neck from the sun while working as an Iranian club promoter. Some followers claim that Josiah Mullet also pioneered chain smoking and penny beer."

I may have some of my facts wrong...but I think this is historically correct.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Some things just aren't natural

Anna rolled down her jeep window and held up a small package for me to see. I could not tell what it was so I asked her...."It's placenta!" she yells. Now...I'm 27-years-old...and I have never had anyone say "It's placenta" to me...ever.

It seems that Wal-mart sells this stuff as a treatment for hair. It claims to be "Nature's most complete conditioning treatment". I would like to disagree...this is actually nature's most complete method by which a developing fetus is nourished.

This goes on my list of things whose discovery is a complete mystery. Suppositories for instance...who made the decision that this medicine would work better if used at the back door. "This pill isn't doing me any good Charlene...I might as well be sticking it...."

...and the rest is history.

Monday, March 06, 2006


Friday, March 03, 2006

I'd rather be a hammer than a nail

I guess it is a long standing fact that a lot of brilliant artist are never widely recognized. Some never achieve fame until they die. It's sad...but true. But I'm going to at least turn on the 3 or 4 of you who read this blog to someone whose music you should have in your CD player right now. Paul Thorn is a singer/songwriter from Tupelo, MS. You can read his bio here.

Thorn is a good singer...a good guitar player...but an incredible songwriter and storyteller. Some of his songs have made me laugh hysterically...and others have actually brought me to tears....big masculine man tears.

This isn't folksy, pot smoking music. It's hard driving rock beats, funky soul, and beautiful ballads delivered as if coming from a road side tent revival.

We went to see him last night in Huntsville. In my mind the place was going to be packed...but it reality...not so much. I just hope that someday he will get the national acclaim that he deserves. Check him'll love it.

By the way...I will ruin a picture with a double-chin display.