I'm the wind beneath his wings
My buddy Bart has started himself a blog...claiming that I was his inspiration. Bless his heart.
My buddy Bart has started himself a blog...claiming that I was his inspiration. Bless his heart.
If you will notice at the top right hand corner of this page (inside the blue strip) there is a button that says "Next Blog". This sends you to a random blog. Well just out of random curiosity I decided to click on this button tonight. Due to this decision I am now enrolled in Mr. A's eighth grade Literature, Grammar, and Writing class. Check it out. I'm thinking about asking Carol to go with me to the 8th grade dance/ice cream social...so everybody keep their fingers crossed for me.
My buddy Evan and I were driving to Birmingham VERY early yesterday morning and we passed a sign in a strip mall...the following conversation is real.
I couldn't help but notice that the towel I dried off with this morning had "Ashley" embroidered on it. This might not be weird unless you take into account the fact that I think I only know one or two Ashleys and neither one of them have ever even been to my house...let alone showered there.
I had to take Hayden (the middle of my sisters boys) to the bathroom last night at church. The following conversation is from that event:
Today a buddy of mine sent us an e-mail that said, "Are you in?". As I pointed out to Andrew...that would be like mailing someone a letter and writing in it "Are you home?"
This from a church bulletin:
I would give my police officers the order to take a bullhorn and announce that starting at noon today that anyone who appears to be a looter...will be shot and killed on sight. They might not believe it then...but as soon as a few of them got dropped while carrying such "survival" items such as Heineken beer, televisions, and jewelry...that looting business would stop. God love the people who are taking things to feed their family...I understand that completely. But for all the low lifes who are stealing just because they can...I hope you get what is coming to you.
If you had been a fly on the upholstery in my car today you would have heard the following coversation when Michael Jackson's "Beat It" came on the radio.
God bless the thirsty, the hungry, and the exhausted. God bless the fathers who are trying to lead their families...yet has no idea where to go...or what to do. God bless the mothers who can't comfort or feed their children. God bless the babies who are hungry, hot, and can't understand. God bless the elderly who helplessly watched the water rise around them until it was too late. God bless the family who doesn't know the condition or whereabouts of a loved one. God bless the rescuer who is weary, grief stricken, and relentless. God bless the leaders who are overwhelmed with difficult decisions. God bless the grieving. God bless the sick. God bless the dying.