If you have anything to try to accomplish during your lunch break you will quickly find that 1 hour isn't really enough time to do anything but eat. The banks, the courthouses, etc...tend to make lunchtime frustrating. Today was one of those days for me. But as I walked into a restaurant to eat I sat down in front of ESPN. They had a special on an Alabama
BASS fisherman named Clay Dyer who was born without legs and only part of his right arm.
Here is a link to a story on Anglerguide.com. I couldn't really hear much of the story but the images were quite enough. This guy had overcome so much and not once during the story did I see him complain about it. I was able to hear this, "Dyer's future goals are to get his driver's license and to get married." There I sat griping to myself about stupid lunchtime issues. God had just told me to shut up and be thankful. Point taken.